My First Exhibition - Third Prize

This weekend, two of my portraits are on exhibition at the Gosford Regional Art Show. This is the first time that I have entered into an art show and exhibited my work. So, I was really excited to win third prize with this portrait! 

Now, on to the next project - I am busy, right now, doing preliminary sketches and photos for my next portrait. As always, the first idea develops and changes as the possibilities become reality. 

I discarded my initial idea, as my subject was obviously uncomfortable with her pose. This is a really good sign that the portrait will fail to capture her personality, so I am rethinking how I need to portray her. A second sitting with a different subject produced the following photo.
With some adjustments, this could work, but I am still concerned that the composition lacks interest and focus. I have begun work on tonal studies and close up studies, but I will probably leave this to a future project, in order to develop the idea further.

In the meantime, I am working on a different theme. I will post next time with the pictures and sketches showing how the initial stages of this new portrait progress.


  1. Congratulations! You must be so happy. I can't wait to see your next project

  2. Thank you, Immy. Yes, I am pleased with this start - all those past commissions and private portraits now leading to some public recognition.
    Thank you for your support, as always. xxx

  3. I think you did very well getting that prize.

  4. Thank you, Sophie. You are very kind. x

  5. I love the relaxed position of the subject in this photo.

  6. Congratulations! Your artwork is beautiful!

  7. Thank you so much for your kind comment, Mary! It is really so encouraging to get feedback - I appreciate it a lot.


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