Portrait of Joel - Nearly There!

This is, hopefully, the second-last post on this portrait. The legs and hand are done, at last! I would like to put another tree in, but I'm running out time - only three more days of work to go, so I'm thinking simplicity is the key!

Already, I'm planning for the next picture and I'm looking to be inspired. So, tell me - what would you like to see here next? The comments aren't exactly rolling in but my stats tell me that there's a lot of you out there! So, what are you interested in? A pen & ink portrait, an illustration - how about a head and shoulders study? Let me know what you think and I'll gladly share what I know and what I am learning with you.

Vicky :)


  1. I'm really tossing up between suggesting a pen and ink drawing or a head and shoulders portrait. I think I'd like to see the head and shoulders portrait though.

  2. Thank you for your suggestion, Immy. You're the only 'ideas person' so far, so it may be a head and shoulders portrait, yet:)

  3. You could always show Mum's picture, the Mary she asked for. I'd love to see one of them in progress.

  4. Yes, that's my next big project. Does Mum want her picture on coloured paper or white, Immy? The techniques are a little different with a coloured surface. We'll have to talk:)

  5. Hi Vicky,so glad to hear my picture is your next big project! I can't wait to see what you come up with. The choice of paper is yours. Do you feel like showing everyone the different techniques involved in coloured paper drawing?


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