Oil Painting of my Daughter, aged 3

This is an oil painting of my daughter, aged three.

I haven't painted in oils, for quite a while, because it's so much easier to work with pencils, when you don't have a good studio space. Recently, one of our sons decided that he needed his own bedroom so my little studio has become a teenage retreat:-(

I even lost my nice chair to the study! This is what happens when the captain leaves the bridge, for a while;-)

My art station is permanently set up, in a corner of our rumpus room, now. The light's not too great but, with a bit of planning, it shouldn't be so bad. I'm not sure the family is going to welcome the fumes, when I get out the oils, though!

I love coloured pencils but there's something really special about oils. I use a good quality sable brush to get the fine details. I can get more control from using a medium sized brush with a point than with a very small brush. Sable brushes hold the paint well and don't leave hairs on the canvas. It really is worth buying a good quality brush and looking after it. I wouldn't be able to work properly with a cheap brush. It would be too frustrating and I wouldn't be able to paint the fine details.

Because I don't paint in oils very often, I don't stretch my own canvases. Here again, it's worth buying quality. As a teenager, I started out painting on canvas boards but the finished texture is harsher and the paint adheres differently to the surface. But, some of the Old Masters used to happily paint on wood so I guess it's a personal choice and a matter of style.

I'm thinking of posting my art on my family blog, Creating with Wisdom, from here on. There will be an art tab, at the top of the blog, which will have these posts on. I may still post finished paintings here, from time to time, but I'm not sure whether the posts on technique are worth continuing. I'm trying to decide whether this blog has been hibernating or whether it's died a natural death ;-)

Until next time, happy painting!


  1. I understand that it's hard to keep up with more than one blog. I think I have like seven or eight and use only one or two :) LOl! What was I thinking?! (Though, in my defense, one is Michaela's, one I put up for our family in Texas, and one is for stuff I like. I have no clue what the others are for!)
    I think you should do whatever is easiest for you. Besides, I know where your other site is ;) God bless you, Vicky!

  2. A bit of cyber decluttering is very soul-cleansing, I think :-) Now, all I have to do is resist the temptation to collect a whole load more! Though, like you say, Mary, it can be useful to have different blogs for different interests. If only I was more organised (sigh).

    Thank you for your encouragement, dear Mary - God bless:-)

  3. Vicky,

    The bug to create yet another blog almost overcame me yesterday... and then my sense returned. One blog is the perfect number!

    I am sorry to hear you lost your studio. Was Cameron the lucky man to get his own room?

  4. I must admit, Sue, that I'm rather attached to this blog. It doesn't really serve much of a purpose but I'm still hesitant about abandoning it.

    Adam is the lucky studio owner - though, it doesn't look like a studio, in his hands. More like a games room, now!

    And, what blog were you thinking of creating? I'm really intrigued!


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